
The top plate that mates the Weigh Module to whatever is being measured can be adjusted so that the connection is either stationary, semi-floating, or floating.  This adjustment allows the user to determine if the measurand (tank, batching system, machine) will have some amount of movement or not.


Adjustable connection to measurand

Available in alloy or stainless-steel construction

Technical Specifications

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Rated Output2.0mV/V ± 0.1%
Zero Balance± 1% of rated output
Creep± 0.03% of applied load
Nonlinearity± 0.03% of rated output
Hysteresis± 0.03% of rated output
Repeatability± 0.03% of rated output
Temp Effect on Output± 0.002% of reading/°C
Temp Effect on Zero± 0.002% of output/°C
Cable Length6m [20.28ft]
Safe Temp Range-10 to +70°C
Temp Comp Range-10 to +40°C
Safe Overload150% of capacity
Input Impedance387 Ω
Output Impedance350 Ω
Insulation Resistance5000 MΩ
Rated Excitation10 V DC/AC
Max Excitation15 V DC/AC
Technical Data Sheet